Ryvalmedia Pulse (Vol.45)


This fortnight we highlight concerns around Apple's AI integration, the increasing appetite for news content on social media platforms and the growing importance of sustainability as a corporate responsibility within the advertising industry.

Apple's AI integration raises concerns over conflict to its privacy standards

The current hype around artificial intelligence integration has increased to another level, with Apple’s long awaited AI integration roadmap. The release of ‘Apple Intelligence (AI)’ is Apple’s answer to compete with Google, Microsoft and Samsung that will utilise in-house generative models across Apple’s large product range. However, there are immediate concerns about the conflict that the AI strategy poses on Apple’s strong privacy standards. Through partnering with ChatGPT, which may use phone data for its machine learning process, Apple has had a recent backlash and have been posed by question on the integrity of its privacy that has always put closely guarding phone data to the individual. Apple's push into AI to stay competitive has raised privacy concerns, contradicting its historical stance on data protection. This underscores the challenges even tech giants face when adopting AI into existing strategies. As brands and advertisers increasingly leverage AI for a competitive edge, it's crucial to carefully balance this adoption with robust data protection and privacy measures. Learn more

Social media continues to steal eyeballs for news away from television

With the constantly evolving media landscape, there have never been more questions on the longevity of free-to-air (FTA) television. While the ongoing legislative conversation around limiting the paywall intervention of key Australian sporting programmes, there comes another threat to FTA TV. Social media continues to gain traction across all demographics as the media channel sought after for news. With sport and news being the final frontiers to the strength of FTA TV, particularly amongst an older demographic, this latest development adds uncertainty on how viable FTA TV will be in the future for this audience. While social media continues to grow as main source of news for the younger audiences, there is also a notable shift from older demographics away from FTA TV. While FTA TV still drives considerable ROI and remains the cornerstone of a strong screens approach, the older demographics are gradually shifting to digital platforms for news and live sports. Brands targeting these audiences must diversify beyond traditional channels and embrace digital channels such as social media which has historically used to reach younger audiences. Learn more

Sustainable advertising continues to evoke industry response towards corporate responsibility

IAB Australia’s recent partnership with The Women in Programmatic Network (TWIPN) aims to explore the personal and professional perspectives of the local advertising community, with the topic of sustainable future in advertising kickstarting the series. With one ad campaign generating the equivalent amount of CO2 that seven people produce in a year, there is increased attention on how to cut emissions in the advertising industry and the end client. While reducing carbon emissions is gradually being adopted by the advertising industry, it is further spurred on by the rapid rise of the environmentally conscious shopper. The rise of the environmentally conscious consumer is pivotal in shaping new industry norms for sustainable advertising practices. These consumers actively seek products and services from brands that demonstrate environmental stewardship and may avoid those perceived as environmentally harmful. With increasing corporate responsibility being the norm in the new economy, early adopting brands not only stand to gain market share but also future proof themselves against upcoming environmental regulations. Learn more

The Ryvalmedia Pulse is prepared fortnightly by Alex Pupko (Strategy Manager), with this issue in collaboration with Kimi Teoh (Business Manager).


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